Happy October 1st!! I can hardly believe how fast this year is flying by! Before we know it, it will be time to pull out the Christmas decor.
Today, Tara and I, are starting a new series called “seasonal Saturdays”, where we will be sharing seasonal ideas on Saturdays. Today we are each sharing our mantels decorated for the season.
This is my rendition of Halloween decor, spooky with a touch of elegance. For this garden-inspired Halloween mantel, I grabbed a can of black spray paint, some faux butterflies, dried hydrangeas, branches, spiders/webs, candles, and a couple of dark green pumpkins.

For the hydrangeas, I sprayed them black but didn’t love how they looked so I added a touch of gold spray paint. The butterflies got a coat of black spray paint too, giving a moody, slightly spooky, and a bit elegant vibe.

Spiders were a must because what garden doesn’t have a few spiders crawling around?

Let’s hop over to Tara’s blog and see how she has decorated her mantel! Simply click on the photo below…

Thank you so much for stopping by today!! I hope you all have a wonderful day!