Hi friends!!! I hope you’re having a wonderful Fourth of July!
Today, I am so excited to be joining some sweet friends for a fun DIY dupe challenge, hosted by the very sweet and talented Terrie from Decorate and More with Tip!
For this challenge, I decided to try to recreate a lampshade that I recently saw at Anthropologie (pictured below)

I love polka dots and I love lamp shades, so this was perfect! I knew I could recreate it for much less than Anthro’s $100+ price tag.
I looked for small pompoms but couldn’t find any that I loved, so I bought some thick, fluffy yarn to use.

I made two lamp shades, one bigger and one smaller. For the bigger pom-poms, I cut several pieces of yarn into twelve inch pieces. I tied each piece of yarn with two slip knots.

I then wrapped the excess yarn around the knots to form pom-poms. I used hot glue to secure the yarn into balls and also to glue them to the lampshade.

For the smaller pom-poms, I tied a slip knot in the yarn and then simply trimmed the ends, forming a small ball.

Such an easy and inexpensive DIY!

And the bigger lamp shade…

I decided to create bigger pom-poms than those in the inspiration picture.

I wanted to have three rows of pom-poms, vs the five rows that Anthropologie’s version.

Thank you so much for stopping by today!!! Click on the links below to see what dupes my friends have created. I can hardly wait to read their blog posts!!

Decorate and More with Tip – Terrie
Through a Vintage Door – Teresa