Hi friends!!! I hope you’ve had a wonderful week!
My boys were off this week for fall break. We are always so busy with all the football/basketball/soccer/wrestling games and practices, so we decided to have a super low-key, relaxed week. We slept in, watched movies, and didn’t do much of anything, it’s been amazing!
I spent some time outside in my garden and cut a bunch of dahlias to bring inside. I can’t believe we haven’t had a freeze here yet. Usually by this time of the year, my dahlias are done, but they are still going strong! I love this time of the year!

Dahlias are one of my very favorite flowers!!

If you want to save your Dahlia tubers for next year, you should, it’s so easy to do! Once they freeze, the leaves turn an almost black color, and they are ready to be dug up. Store the tubers in peat moss in a cool space for the winter. I usually store mine in the garage, where it is cold but not cold enough for the dahlia tuber to freeze. If they freeze throughout the winter, they will turn into mush and won’t be viable to plant next spring.

Once dahlias start blooming in the summer, they will continue to bloom until they freeze. I get so many beautiful blooms throughout the season!

If you want to start growing tubers, you can find lovely tubers next speing at local nurseries, Home Depot, Lowes, and even Walmart. You can also order online from Swan Island. They have the most lovely varieties but are a little more expensive.

Thank you so much for stopping by today!!
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!!!!