Keeping Your Home Warm and Cozy Throughout Winter

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Winter is both a beautiful season and a challenging one at the same time.

Keeping warm and cozy around your home can be a challenge in some states, but the spectacular scenery that the season brings is almost worth it. An article by Aeon suggests there’s an element of regeneration about winter; but it isn’t just in nature, but in your own tendency to remain at home, hibernating away in the evenings until the warm summer sun reappears.

Whilst you’re at home you must face the challenge of making it as warm and inviting as you can, fighting off any harsh weather. There is a certain romance in being tucked up in the warm whilst Mother Nature rages outside, but it’s only romantic if you have a cozy home.

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You have achieved a cozy atmosphere in your home, but now you need to also make the whole home winter-proof.

How can you achieve such a goal? By following our handy tips below.


This might not seem obvious, but your curtains can help keep a room and an entire house warm. You might prefer the aesthetics of shutters or blinds, but thick drapes are great for keeping your home warm.



Perhaps you could have some stored away, ready for the onset of winter? They also offer a design option, with so many fabrics and styles. Go for thicker drapes to ensure your house is super cozy.


This is something to consider when the weather is warmer as a precaution for cold winters. Everybody’s Talking suggests that in an average completely un-insulated home 45% of the energy loss will be through walls and 25% through the roof. If your home isn’t properly insulated, then winter can be a very costly time.

There are several options you can investigate, with thick loft insulation a great place to start. If you use your loft space, maybe look at insulation that goes on your roof instead. Then there are your walls. HomeServe explains how cavity wall insulation keeps the heat in your home, helping to make it feel cozy in the winter months. Whilst it may not be something you can do quickly right now, if you struggle this winter then cavity and roof insulation should be high priorities come spring.

Think About Furniture

Few residents will think about rearranging furniture in the winter, but you might be costing yourself heat and warmth in your current setup. Many people have a couch in front of the radiator, but if that’s the case then you’re restricting the flow of warm air and making it harder to warm your home.

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By pulling the couch forward, heat can be released. Even by moving it a foot or two closer to an open fire, if that’s your heat source, it will help make the room feel full and cozier. Even think about soft furnishings; rugs can be a great way to keep heat in your rooms if you have wooden floors.

Block Draughts

When the wind gets up, it can whistle through gaps in your home and take the warmth with it. Think about gaps under your doors, or maybe through draughty windows. We’re not suggesting a full refit here, but some clever placement of cushions and draught excluders to stop the air moving around so freely.

If it isn’t possible to stop every draught in your home, pick one room to truly winter-proof and use that in the cold evenings.

Article Written by: Mary Ledford

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  1. Great tips, I’m sure many will find them helpful.


    1. Thank you!!

    2. Excellent points and I thinks its neat too to have different drapes and maybe furniture arrangements for different seasons anyways. Keeps you from getting bored.

      1. Exactly!! I need to invest in winter drapes, and rearrange my furniture!

  2. Such great information to keep in mind when preparing your home for winter. A lot of us like to decorate our home for winter but we need to do things you mentions as well. Great tips Emily!

    1. It’s so true. I always think decor first, but sometimes you have to think about other factors too! Happy Tuesday!!

  3. For me, the winter is just so cold and dreary. I’m constantly looking for ways to cozy things up around the house. I never thought about rearranging furniture. That’s definitely something I’m going to have to try.

    1. Me too! It’s not something that I usually think of.

  4. These are great tips! My couch sits in front of the radiator and I never even thought about it! I’ll be rearranging furniture soon.

    1. Thank you so much!!

  5. Good and useful ideas for home insulation. Yes, you need to buy new curtains more densely.

    1. Thank you so much!!

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