Favorite Things Thursday ~ vintage Christmas ornaments & a DIY vintage glass bead star ornaments

Y’all probably know that I absolutely LOVE vintage Christmas! So what do you do with your lovely, but broken ornaments, or your favorite glass bead garland? You repurpose, of course!

When a bunch of my vintage glass ornaments got broken, I made glass glitter. You can check out the post, where I show how to make your own glass glitter, by clicking HERE.

What about those glass bead garlands that have broken, or come undone? You could restring them, or make these sweet little star ornaments.These are so easy to make, and would be such a darling addition to your Christmas tree, garland, hanging from a chandelier, or just about anywhere!Twist three pipe cleaners together to form your star.String your beads onto each arm of your star.My beads stayed on the pipe cleaners without glue, but if yours don’t, just add a drop of hot glue to the last bead that you put on each pipe cleaner.Form a little loop out of wire, with a hot glue gun, glue the loop into the top bead.I’ve seen a lot of people add costume jewelry to these lovelies, so I stopped by hobby lobby to get some glamor pieces for the centers.Depending on the look you are going for, with, or without the center bling are both so cute!

I used vintage tinsel pipe cleaners, and vintage glass beads, but if you don’t have these things, I stopped by hobby lobby to see if I could find a good substitute. I picked up these things…These pipe cleaners worked perfectly. When trying to find a bead garland that will work, just make sure the beads on strung on string that can be taken apart. A lot of the garlands that I saw, had beads that couldn’t be unstrung.

Hope y’all have a wonderful day!!

Thank you for visiting LeCultivateur!!!


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    1. Thank you so much!!!💗

  1. These are fabulous! (pinned) thanks

    1. Thank you so much!💗

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