French Vintage Friday – autumn’s splendor in my living room

Happy Friday, friends!! I hope you’ve had a wonderful week!

Here in Utah, we are supposed to get snow this weekend, I’m so excited!!! With snow on the ground, I’m going to want to start decorating for winter so I’m giving one last look at my living room decorated for autumn.

Before all of my flowers freeze, I like to cut as many as I can to bring into my home to enjoy. This big basket full of dahlias, freshly clipped and brought in from my yard, makes me so happy!

These seed pods are one of my favorite things to incorporate into my fall decor. I also like to use them in my winter decor. For winter, I will spray them gold for a bit of a festive touch.

Let’s hop over to Tara’s blog to see how she has her living room decorated for autumn this year!! Simply click on the photo below…

Thank you so much for stopping by! I appreciate all of your sweet support and kindness!!! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!!

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  1. Your living room looks absolutely fantastic. Just like always. You know I love those seed pods and would give anything to have some of my own for my decor! Now let’s talk about that chandelier, shall we? I’m in love…..

  2. Beautiful, love the flowers!

  3. Everything that you do is amazing! Hugs and blessings to you.

  4. Could you tell me what kind of seed pods they are?

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