Thrifted Treasure ~ July

Happy Monday, y’all!! I hope your weekend was amazing! I feel quite accomplished, I stayed inside all weekend, trying to get my house clean, and work on several unfinished projects that I have going on in my house. I still have a lot to finish, but I made progress, which is a huge win for me!

After all the room switches happened here, I am finally getting around to helping my boys decorate their “new” rooms. I started in my seven year old’s room. It seemed only natural, whereas all the room switch-a-roos happened because he wanted a “cool” room, and was sick of living in a “cute” room with his little brother.

We started by hitting up the thrift store for a cool dresser. He spotted this one,

and knew it must have been in a cool room once. While he thought the stickers were awesome, and gave this dresser such a cool vibe, I saw the cute shape, and we both knew it would be perfect!

I peeled the stickers off, sanded it down, and then gave it a quick new stain and seal. I was REALLY hoping to save time by cleaning it up really well, and being able to put it in his room without sanding and staining, but there were so many stains in the wood, that it needed to be sanded and redone.

It is the perfect size; room for all of his clothes, and even extra room for a drawer full of his treasures and things that he doesn’t want his little brother to touch.

After A LOT of convincing, my sweet boy let me help decorate above his dresser. Yay!!

It’s always so much fun to see what one trip to the thrift store can bring. This thrifted dresser really was the starting point for his room. Once the dresser was in the room, everything else came easy.

I can hardly wait to see what thrifted treasures my blogging friends have found this month! Click on the links below to check them out too!

Tara, Stilettos and Shiplap

Terrie, Decorate And More With Tip

Shae, Sweet Southern Grace

Dori, This Full Life 5

Teresa, Through A Vintage Door

Happy Monday, my friends!!! Hope your day is wonderful!!!


Check out where I have linked this project…. Blog link list.

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  1. Great piece Emily and love the stain color. He must love having a drawer to hide his treasures.

    I like the collection of pieces you put over his dresser too.

    Another job well done.



    1. Thank you so much!!!

  2. That dresser was a great find. Not only did you save some money finding a thrift store dresser but you found a cute one to place in his new room. How big he must feel now being able to have his own room. Love the wall décor above the dresser. Love the look. Thanks for hosting this fun challenge Emily and inviting me to participate. Have a great Monday!!

    1. Thank you so much!!!

  3. What a great boy’s room! Love the dresser! I love how you so nonchalantly mention stripping and staining it like it was no big deal! Lol – that’s a lot of work and you did a beautiful job!!

    1. Thank you so much!! You’re right, it was a lot of work! I always ask myself why I decided to strip yet another piece of furniture…so much time!!! Then after it’s done, I think, well that was easy!😆

  4. I love how the dresser turned out and the wall above it! I realize I wouldn’t be “cool” in your son’s eyes but I think that wall looks SUPER cool! I love the little globes you put in there. I’ve been looking for some little globes for quite a while that don’t break the bank and so far haven’t been too successful. Loving your style as always!

    1. You’re so sweet!! We really need to go thrifting together one day!!!

  5. Oh wow! Emily that is a great dresser and turned out even better when you finished it and the styling is cute but very very cool for a a young growing man 🙂 I bet he is so happy and proud of his big boy room!! Absolutely great job done here my friend! You have such a flair for style 🙂


    1. Thank you so much!!!

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