French Vintage Friday ~ vintage books

Happy Friday, friends!!

Today, for French Vintage Friday, I am sharing my love for vintage books!

I wish I could say that I have been collecting vintage books for a long time, but the truth is, I’ve only been collecting for a few years now. I wish I would have started sooner! Vintage books (and flowers) are a major staple in my decor! I love all of the character and charm that vintage books bring! Can you ever have too many books?!??

As you can probably tell from these pictures, I adore old books!!


Now, let’s hop over to Tara’s blog to see what she is sharing today. Simply click of the picture below….

I hope y’all have a wonderful Friday night!!

Thank you so much for visiting my blog!

So much love to you all!!!


Check out where I have linked this project…. Blog link list

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  1. I love your white chippy table, flowers and old books! I too love old books and my daughters laugh at me. But always do what makes you happy! Your house is neat.

  2. Love all your amazing books SO much! They’re so beautiful. Then again, you have such a talent for styling them and making them look incredible! 🥰

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