Five on Friday ~ five most nagging, unfinished projects

Happy Friday, friends!!!

You know those days when you look around your house, and you realize…”I sure have a lot of projects that I have started, and really should finish!”? Well, I have a lot of projects like that. So, today, Tara and I have decided that we would each share five projects that we have started, and are determined to finish soon.

Here are my five…..

#1 Mud RoomSo, you might remember, last year, when I did a little makeover in here. I loved the dark, moody green color, and was sure that I would love it for a long time to come. Well, every time my little brother would stop by, he would always tell me that this color just didn’t look like me, which got me thinking…”maybe I should change this???”. My little brother has an amazing eye for all things design, and I respect his opinion so much, but I wasn’t going to start painting just yet. That is until I started my powder room makeover, which is directly across from the mudroom area. Which takes me to the second thing on my list.

#2 Powder RoomThis super plain, boring powder room is getting a makeover, starting with this wallpaper.After I fell in love with this wallpaper for the powder room, I knew that it was finally time for the dark green mudroom built in to go.

#3 Laundry Room

My laundry room was one of the first rooms that I started to work on when we moved into our house, two years ago. Laundry isn’t much fun to do, but having a cute room to do laundry in, could possibly make it a lot better!This room has been started, just not finished. I built a table for folding laundry, added a shelf above the table, added the door…but still so much to do! I plan on painting the walls, getting a rug, building some sort of laundry bins/crates, and then some finishing details. There isn’t a lot more that needs to be done, but it’s one of those projects that I haven’t gotten around to finishing yet. Hopefully soon!

#4 Coffee Table Troubles

This is the coffee table that is in our family room area. It gets a lot of use. My littles are usually sitting around it, playing with their toys, coloring (sometimes using sharpie markers😫), having a snack while they watch tv, etc. I have repainted this little table so many times. Well, it needs to be repainted again. Every time I walk by it, I think…”that table really needs some love”.

Sharpie marks, pen marks, scratches, dents, and the big piece of paint missing, well that is from a giant gummy bear that my youngest had to have, and used as a giant, super sticky toy.

Even though this is such a small project, and the way it looks right now totally bothers me, I am yet to refinish it. This is weekend, it’s getting some love!

#4 Light Fixtures/Chandeliers

I have a few light fixtures that are just sitting around waiting to be hung…such an easy project, but for whatever reason, it’s not done.

Speaking of light fixtures, I found this little gem for just $10!!It was brand new in the box. I’m loving the shape, but am considering taking the crystals off, and replacing them with vintage crystals. And, then I’ll need to find a place to hang it….another project that might sit around for a good while before I get to it.

So, here’s the question…do you do the same thing that I do? Start so many different projects, and continue to start more, that it gets hard to ever finish them all?

I’m going to try my hardest not to start any new projects, until I finish these projects. Crossing my fingers that I can stick to it!

Now, aren’t you excited see what Tara’s unfinished projects are? I sure am! Click HERE to check out what she is sharing today!

Thank you so much for visiting LeCultivateur!!! I appreciate you taking the time to read my blog, and for leaving me such sweet and encouraging comments! Y’all are the best and make blogging so much fun!!

Hope y’all have a wonderful weekend! I’ll be back on Monday, with our monthly clearance challenge!! I can’t wait!


Check out where I have linked this project…. Blog link list

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  1. Yes, I have so many unfinished projects and they drive me crazy! Now, you have motivated me to get going and thanks for that.

    1. Yay!! I’m so glad that you’re feeling motivated to get your projects done too, which motivates me even more! Hope you have a wonderful weekend! Happy project-ing!!💗

  2. Great post! There is always something to finish!

    1. There really is always something to finish. I love projects, so I’m always happy to have something to be working on. Hope you have a wonderful Friday, sweet friend!

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