French Vintage Friday – thrifted Queen Anne dining chairs

Hi friends!! I hope you have all had a wonderful week! I am so excited that it’s finally the weekend, time to get outside and work in my yard!

I’m sure that some of you have noticed these dining chairs in my pictures before, I found these lovely Queen Anne dining chairs a while back.

For just five dollars each, there is no way that I was about to pass these by! With a little paint and some new fabric on the seat cushions, they are good as new!

I went back and forth with the fabric that I was going to use for the seat cushions, I decided to go with drop cloths. Not only are drop cloths neutral in color and super durable, but they are also so inexpensive. So while my kids are still young I thought drop cloths would be the perfect option. Later down the road, I’m sure I will change the fabric but for now, I am loving them!

For a full tutorial on how I recover chairs, simply click HERE

Let’s hop over to Tara’s blog to see what she is sharing today! Simply click on the photo below…

Thank you so much for stopping by today!! I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

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