Creative Thursday – it’s all faux

Happy Thursday, friends!!! I am so excited to introduce y’all to a fun new blog hop that Tara, from Stilettos and Shiplap , Shae, from Sweet Southern Grace , and I have put together. It is going to be on the third Thursday of each month, and is all about creativity! Each month the challenge/theme will be different, but always something to spark the creative mind!

This month, we’re doing faux florals for fall! The rules were simple, use faux florals, or a mix of faux and real, and must stay within a $15 budget! Seems easy enough, right?

Well, for me it was a bit of a struggle. I always see faux floral arrangements that I love, but I’ve never actually created an arrangement using faux florals before. I’m a go in the backyard, or out in nature, clip some pretties, throw them in a vase, and call it a day, kind of girl! So this was a challenge, to say the least!

You would have laughed, if you would have happened to see me, looking like a hot mess, roaming the floral aisles of Hobby Lobby! It was a funny sight, I’m sure of it!

After leaving Hobby Lobby, empty handed, I headed across the street to Michael’s, to see what they had to offer.

On my way to Michael’s, I spotted a tree that looked different from all the others. It was a pear tree, with actual fruit on it! Typically, you don’t see actual fruit trees in parking lots and business fronts, right? They’re normally just the ornamental fruit trees. Anyway, this is what gave me the idea to make a simple arrangement using faux pear tree branches. To my surprise, they weren’t being sold at any craft stores that I had checked, so I did the only thing that I knew to do…I made some!

I started with these little cuties…SOURCE

And, a branch with sweet little autumn leaves, that I found a Hobby Lobby, when I went back to roam the floral aisles for the second time.

With a glue gun, faux pears, and a faux branch, I had my faux pear tree branch made in no time!

I placed the branch in one of my favorite vases, and put it on my kitchen shelf…

I ALWAYS snap a quick picture, when working on anything creative, and look to see what is and isn’t working. It saves so much time in the long run! Here, I noticed that I needed to take the branch apart, to form a few smaller branches. This would not only help fill the vase a little better, but also fill the space nicer.

I reworked the branches, added a few little things to my shelves, and done! So super easy!!

I’m loving the subtle fall vibe that these sweet little pear branches bring to the space!!

And, now what we’ve all been waiting for, the links to the other blogs, to see how their floral arrangements turned out…

Tara, Stilettos and Shiplap (co host)

Shae, Sweet Southern Grace (co host)

Jodi, The House House Blog

Dayna, Just Another Farmhouse

I hope y’all found inspiration in these posts, I know that I sure did!!

Are you a blogger that would like to participate in some of our blog hops? Just email me, we’d love to have you!!

Thank you so much for visiting LeCultivateur!!! I so appreciate YOU!!!

Hope y’all have a wonderful day!!


P.S. Don’t forget to enter my giveaway for September! Just click on the graphic below for entry details…

Check out where I have linked this project…. Blog link list

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  1. This is so clever and so beautiful. I love how it looks on your shelf. Amazing job, Emily!

    1. Tha you so much!!!

  2. Wow Emily! You did a great job at creating your fall arrangement! I would have never have guessed that you were floral challenged like myself!! I love what you have made for your fall floral arrangement!

    1. You’re so sweet!! Thank you so much!!!

  3. Very creative Emily. This spot always looks pretty.

    Enjoy your day


    1. Thank you so much!!!

  4. This is such a clever idea! It turned out so pretty.

    1. Thank you so much!!!

  5. Okay, as always, you rocked this challenge. I love the variation of having the pear branches rather than flowers. It absolutely screams fall and it is so you. Those tiny pears are just darling. So realistic looking. What a find!

    1. You’re so sweet!! Thank you so much!!!

  6. This is a genius idea. What a great way to save money and make a perfect fall arrangement

    1. Thank you so much!!!

  7. I just love the idea of the pear branch. It really looks real. I pinned this to make later. As always….love your blog Emily!

    1. Thank you so much!!!

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