French Vintage Friday ~ vintage flower frogs

Happy Friday, friends! I hope y’all are doing well, staying healthy, happy, and safe!

Today, I am sharing something that I use all the time in my decor, old flower frogs!

They are the perfect card holders!

I just love these little cuties! And to think, they’re made for flower arrangements, I LOVE flowers and making arrangements, and yet I’ve never used them for their intended purpose. Kinda funny!

I hope y’all have a lovely spring day, full of sunshine!

Now, let’s hop over to Tara’s blog to see what she is sharing today! Simply click on the picture below…

I am thinking of you all, and continue to keep you in my prayers!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!


Check out where I have linked this project…. Blog link list

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  1. I just love old flower frogs, as you know. You have so many and they’re so neat the way you display them and use them for cards and such. To be honest I have never used them for flowers either 🙂 I just adore the ones you gave me.

  2. Marlene Stephenson

    These are so nice to have to decorate with, i use mine the same way, postcards or old family photos. Thanks and you have a blessed weekend.

  3. So cute! I always wondered what those things were called! They are perfect picture holders!

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