My Favorite Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe

Now that the holiday season is upon us, it’s time for baking! And, because Tara, at Stillettos and Shiplap, and I showed you our Chrismtas kitchens earlier this week, we thought it would be fun to share with y’all one of our favorite holiday cookie recipes. My favorite holiday cookies are definitely frosted sugar cookies, but, I have four extremely picky boys, none of whom like sugar cookies….Can you believe it! Anyway, they all love chocolate chip cookies, so that is what we make, and have perfected for the holidays.This recipe is seriously so good! Everyone always wants me to make these cookies for them. Good thing, I have the best little helpers!

Delicious Chocolate Chip Cookies

•1 1/2 cup butter flavored crisco

•1/2 cup unsalted butter

•1 1/2 cup sugar

•1 1/2 cup dark brown sugar

•4 eggs

•2 tsp pure vanilla extract

•1 tsp salt

•2 tsp baking soda

•1/4 cup warm water

•6 cups flour

•Milk chocolate chips

Cream butter, crisco, and sugars together, until fluffy. Add four eggs, one at a time. Add vanilla and salt. Mix warm water and baking soda together, then add to mixture. Beat on high for a couple minutes. Add flour, two cups at a time. Do not over mix when adding the flour, mix just until flour is incorporated into your dough. Stir in chocolate chips. Roll into balls. Bake on an ungreased cookie sheet for 8-9 minutes, at 350 degrees. Let cool on cookie sheet for a couple minutes before removing. After cooled down, drizzle with melted milk chocolate. Add sprinkles, and enjoy!

Makes about 7 dozen cookies.

Here is a recipe to print out, if you’d like. These cookies won’t disappoint, they’re seriously delicious!!

What are your favorite cookies to make/eat during the holidays? I would love to hear!

And, don’t forget to head over to see the delicious Eggnog Snickerdoodles that Tara at Stilettos and Shiplap is sharing with us today!

Thank you for visiting LeCultivateur!!!


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  1. Thanks for the recipe. I always like to try new ones so I’ve pinned it. Chocolate Chippers are the only cookie we eat around here.

  2. I love cookies. But my love for a chocolate chip cookie has no boundaries. I am always searching for the best chocolate chip cookie recipe, So I am very excited to try this one. They look amazing!! and your kiddos are adorable!!

    1. You’re so sweet!! Thank you!💗

  3. Emily, your cookie recipe I am pinning to make for my cookie making. Your babies are so cute. I remember the time when we had a baking day with our children when they were little. Cherish this always!

    1. You’re so sweet!! I’m trying to enjoy and cherish every moment with my littles! They grow up so fast!😢

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