Five On Friday ~ Five Fun Fall DIYs

Happy Friday y’all!! I’ve been glittering, gluing, cutting, and painting to create a few new fall diys to share with y’all today!

Today, I am joined by Tara, Stilettos and Shiplap and Terrie, Decorate And More With Tip. Links to their blogs are at the end of this post, so be sure to check them out!

We decided that we would each share five fall DIYs with y’all today! It could be past years DIYS, or new DIYs. I decided to share three DIYs from last year (garland, pumpkins, wreath), and three new ones (garland, pumpkins, wreath)…I guess I’m sharing six DIYs, but who’s counting anyway!

Last year, my top three, favorite fall DIYs were…

#1 Autumn Garland. Click HERE for instructions on how to make your own.

This garland is most definitely one of my favorite DIYs of all time! Actually, it is what started my IG account, which led me to starting this blog. You see, my sister and I had an Etsy shop, in which we sold these autumn garlands, amongst other things. We started the IG account to try to promote our Etsy shop, we stopped doing the Etsy shop, I took over the IG account and started this blog. And I have loved every minute of it!

#2 Dollar Store Pumpkins. Click HERE for instructions

If you remember, the dollar store pumpkins were all the rage last year, so of course I had to take a shot at transforming some of these styrofoam cuties! With a little fabric, glue, and twigs, I totally transformed these once orange pumpkins! They were such a popular DIY last year, and I’m sure that they will be this year too!

I’ve already pulled mine out for the season, and placed them around my house. Still loving them!!

#3 Asymmetrical Autumn Wreath. Click HERE for instructions on how to make one.

This is another favorite of mine! Simple, yet sophisticated, and so easy to make!!

Three new fall DIYs…

#4 Glittered Acorn Garland. Click HERE for instructions on how to make this garland.

There’s something about the fall and winter months that just makes me want to add glitter to everything! The sparkly magic of glitter!

This garland of glittered acorns and leaves, on a simple twill ribbon, makes my glitter loving heart happy!

#5 Glass Glittered Pumpkins. Click HERE for the instructions on how I made these darling pumpkins.

If you followed along last Christmas, you know that I love glass glitter!! You can click HERE to see how I make my own glass glitter, or you can purchase it at Michael’s craft store. I have found it is easier just to buy it!

Loving the vintage feel that the glass glitter gives!

#6 Natural Acorn Wreath. Click HERE for instructions to make your own.

This wreath is one of my very favorite possessions! It’s really sentimental to me because it is made from acorns, that my sweet boys gathered, around my dad’s grave, the day that he was buried. My dad was such an amazing man, loved by all! It has almost been 9 years since his death, and this year I finally used the acorns to make this wreath, and I’m so glad that I did!

I love being able to see the acorns everyday! I love knowing that these acorns were growing and living at the same time my dad was here with us! Miss him so much!! He was the one who helped me get started on my DIY journey, he taught me so much, and always had much more faith in my ability, than I ever did! Anyway, that’s a story for another day!

And now, let’s go check out what DIYs Tara and Terrie are showing us today! Just click on the link below!

Tara, Stilettos and Shiplap

Terrie, Decorate And More With Tip

Hope y’all have a wonderful weekend!!

Thanks for visiting LeCultivateur! Y’all are the best!!

Happy crafting!


P.S. Don’t forget to enter my giveaway for the month of August! Just a few more days to enter! Click on the picture below for entry details!

Check out where I have linked this project…. Blog link list

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  1. Emily these are all amazing diys one prettier than the other. The acorn wrath is a favorite. Not only am I obsessed with a mess orns the story melted me. I have hundreds of acorns from our old house we built and lived in for 20 years. Our town had mostly oak trees and acorns were plentiful. I collected many fro mb living there and preserved them and are one of the first things I bring out.

    The wreath touched me very much with your dad. Your boys sound like gems. He looks down and sees the wreath you made that symbolizes him.


    1. You’re the sweetest!!! Thank you so much, my friend!!

  2. Wow!! So many things that I want to make! I need to get to the craft store to get my supplies!

    1. Yay! I’m so glad you want to make some!

  3. What an awesome 5!! I love the glass glitter and will be pinning this to do for myself this Fall. Also love all the garlands you make and the story behind the acorn moved me. Love you Emily. I remember the wreath. It was in our very first blog together. You are so very talented. Thanks for inviting me to join you this week. I had a lot of fun! Happy Friday.

    1. You’re so sweet!! Thank you so much for these sweet words and for joining me on this fun little diy blog post!

  4. Emily! Love them all! If I’d known you had made that acorn wreath when I saw it the other day I would have loved it even more AND I wouldn’t have included one in my DIYs but oh well. Mine is different than yours. I absolutely LOVE each and every one of your projects and I’m going to be making quite a few of them for my home this fall, you can be sure of it.

    1. You’re the sweetest!! I absolutely love the acorn wreath you made too! Sooo cute!!

  5. So many pretty and original ideas for fall. I have to make them!!

    1. Thank you so much!!!

  6. So many lovely DIYS… all of them are so pretty and cozy! I’m here via TFT! We’d love to have you link up at Tuesday Turn About! We close tomorrow at midnight CST! Hope to see you there!

    1. You’re so sweet!! Thank you so much!!!

  7. I’m so bummed… I totally wanted to feature this post on TTA this week, but I was last to choose… and well, we hostesses try not to do double features! (You get the picture, right?) I’m pinning this for sure!

    1. You’re the sweetest!! Thank you so much!!

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