Favorite Things Thursday ~ vintage lace

Oh, how I adore vintage lace! Whenever I see old lace, I am always sure to buy it! Isn’t the detail in old lace just exquisite!

The other day, I found this frame on clearance at home good for just $12. I have been eyeing this frame for a while now, but couldn’t justify spending $29 on it, but for $12, I’ll take it!I knew it was going to look amazing with some vintage lace displayed in it. At first, I was just going to place rows of lace, but then decided to do a little seasonal vintage lace arrangement. I started by drawing a basic pumpkin shape on paper. Then, using a transparent piece of vellum paper, I traced the pumpkin, and cut it out. I then arranged the vintage lace on the pumpkin cutout, and glued the lace to the vellum paper.After the glue was dry, I trimmed the excess lace off the edges, added a stem and a little curlycue, and placed it in my frame.

I can hardly wait to show y’all the cutest vintage lace pieces that I found to make a vintage lace Christmas tree! It will be fun to switch this out with other seasonal vintage lace creations!!!

For a little more vintage lace inspiration, check out these Lampshades that I made. Seriously, one of my favorite DIY’s ever!

I’d love to hear, What do you collect? Do you ever upcycle some of your favorite things, or do you like to leave them, just as you found them? For the longest time, I could not even think about cutting my vintage lace, in fear of ruining it. Then one day, I realized, my precious lace was just sitting on a shelf, in a box. I knew it must be displayed! I started making lace lampshades, put some in a big jar in my laundry room, I tie little snippets here and there, and now my framed vintage lace pumpkin, soon to be followed by more lace creations!

I adore vintage lace!!!

Thank you so much for visiting LeCultivateur!

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  1. I love this lace pumpkin in the gold frame! It’s so cute! And you found the perfect spot for it! Your mantle looks so beautiful! And I adore those lace shades too! How clever!

    1. Thank you so much!!!💗

  2. That frame is such a perfect display for it. What a great find!! I need to look for some vintage lace… this is stunning. 😍

    1. Thank you so much!!!💗

  3. Emily how neat the pumpkin lace frame. I love the frame that you got and the price! WoW! I love the lamp shades. I am going to have to try that DIY…maybe in the shape of an ornament or Christmas tree. Thanks for sharing this great DIY!

    1. Thank you so much, Terrie!💗

  4. Love this! So cute and what a great way to display something you love.

    1. Thank you so much!!💗

  5. It is just gorgeous Emily! So happy to feature you today at TFT! Have a great day!

    1. Thank you so much!!!💗

  6. Oh I LOVE your lace creations! The pumpkin. so cute and the lampshades are such a wonderful way to cover shades. I’ve Pinned several of your photos. really adorable!

    1. Thank you so much!!!💗

  7. I love the lace pumpkin and lampshades. I never thought of either of these uses for lace and they work beautifully. Great idea thank you for sharing them.

    1. Thank you so much!!!💗

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