French Vintage Friday ~ DIY candle holder

Happy Friday, friends!!! It’s been a long week, don’t you think? I’m so excited for the weekend!!

Here’s a fun little DIY project that takes less than 20 minutes to make! A DIY candle holder.

I love the impact that so many candles make! It will be fun to use throughout the year!

I started by painting a 4×4 board, that I cut to length of 36 inches.

I decided to space each candle two inches apart. I measured, marked the board, and drilled holes.

I used a 3/4 inch drill bit to drill the holes. After all the holes were drilled, I sanded the board, and placed candles in each hole. So easy!!

Let’s hop over and see what Tara is sharing today! Simply click on the picture below….

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!!

So much love to you all!


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  1. Love your photos. What is the silver tree stand for the little tree on the table? Is that a knob? Very cute!
    Thank you!

    1. Thank you so much!!! It is a glass knob🙌

  2. Hi Emily,

    I love this and you’re so clever. This looks beautiful. Love it in your festive table.

    Enjoy your work and power tools. This girl wants no part of power tools.


  3. Love this so much. What a great idea. Happy Friday. Have a great weekend. xoxo Kris

  4. I love this and its so quick and simple! I was thinking of making something like this about a week ago and it’s still on my list of things to do this season. Now I know the perfect piece of wood to use! So pretty

  5. Such a beautiful tablescape idea Emily.. Its so elegantly beautiful!
    this is one i’ll be doing for sure!

  6. Which brand of candles do you usually use?.TIA

    1. I usually get my candles at the dollar store.

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