French Vintage Friday – what to do with chamber pots

Happy Friday, friends! Are you excited for French Vintage Friday? It’s always one of my favorite posts of the week! It’s fun to share a French or Vintage find every Friday!

This week I’m sharing an old ironstone chamber pot that I recently found.

I see these at antique stores all the time and always think they’re cute, but the fact that they were once used as someone’s toilet makes me second think buying them.

Using it as a planter seems like a perfect use for it!

Let’s hop over and see what Tara is sharing today! Simply click on the picture below…

Thank you so much for stopping by! I hope you all have an amazing weekend!!!


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  1. It’s perfect as a planter and since I’m needing to get some indoor plants for a change, I think I need to go chamber pot shopping! Great share.

  2. A chamber pot doesn’t have drainage holes does it? So how does it work with a plant in it please?

    1. Because there are no drainage holes, I lined the bottom of the pot with pea gravel. It seems to be working because my plant is still alive and thriving.

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