French Vintage Friday – vintage breadboards

happy Friday, friends!! I’m so happy that it is finally the weekend!!

Today for French vintage Friday I am sharing my love for vintage breadboards. Authentic vintage breadboards are quite pricey, so I DIY’d these. Click HERE to see how I made these.

They add so much charm to my kitchen! I absolutely love having them on my counter or my shelves.

Let’s hop over to Tara’s blog to see what she is sharing today! Simply click on the photo below…

Thank you so much for stopping by today! Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!!!

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  1. I could not stop looking at your brass brackets on your shelves! I am in love with them!

    1. Thank you so much!!! You’re so sweet!!! They are super inexpensive brackets. I used rub’n buff to make them look brass

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