Hi friends!!! Today, I am joining a few blogging friends to show you some before and after pictures of our homes.
My home is an ever evolving and changing space. One project at a time, my home has changed over the course of a few years and will continue to change for years to come!
Let’s take a look back.
One of the very few pictures that I have of the main living area in our house before we moved in. Look how little my baby was, and now he’s about to start kindergarten. Time is a thief!! If only they could stay little forever!

I took the picture on our final walk through, before signing all the papers. It was such an exciting time, a brand new house, full of possibilities! I had always dreamed of having an old house full of charm and character to fix up, but when we found this house in a brand new neighborhood, just one block away from a brand new school, and it just felt right. I love the layout of our home and love the location, but I didn’t like the very basic builder grade finishes. I knew with a little creativity and work those builder grade finishes could change.
I’m going to start this tour off in the entryway, and work my way back through the rest of the main living area.
Here is the entryway early on…

After a few different looks later, here it is today with pretty wallpaper

Right across from the entryway is the living room. Here it is before…

This faux mantel was my first project in this house. I love having a mantel to decorate! So much fun!!

Another project that I absolutely love is my DIY hutch. It is on the back wall, directly across from the front door. This is a space that is seen as soon as you walk into my house, so I knew I wanted something amazing on this wall.

I love everything about my hutch, the height, the details, the wire, everything! It’s always exciting to love the final product that you have created, it doesn’t always happen, but in this case it did! Yay!!!

A few more before pictures of the main living area…

And now, after quite a few projects…

•Open shelves with gold brackets

After looking and looking for the perfect light to replace those not so cute “boob lights”, I finally found this black chandelier that I love!

The mudroom also got a little love. It was a moody green, you can see a little glimpse of it on the side of the refrigerator

After a little makeover, and here it is now…

Directly across from the mudroom is the powder room. Here it is before, plain and boring…

And now…

I hope you enjoyed this little tour. It’s always fun to look back and realize all that has been done, and dream about what is going to be done next!

I can’t wait to check out the other “before and after” tours! Simply click on the pictures below to check them out too!

Thank you so much for stopping by today! I hope you have a wonderful afternoon!